Tuesday, June 22, 2010


The side effects of lustful desire seem to be a driving force in today's society. This evening I decided to meet an old friend for a few drinks. We haven't seen each other in a long time and I decided that, instead of going to the dive bar that I normally frequent, we go to a "classier" bar in town. There were about 10 people at the bar with 6 people working behind the bar. 1 of the 6 was a guy but the rest were women (it should be noted that these women had spectacular bodies). I suppose the bar was having a beach theme as every one of the female bartenders was wearing a bikini in addition to other seductive accessories. Our bartender kind of looked like a slutty Audrey Hepburn which I found to be a little sad. Oh right... I was going somewhere with this.

Everywhere I go, the sexual image seems to be flaunted to sell. While it is only my opinion (as is everything on this blog), sex and beauty have become synonyms in our society. In this case personal display is the chicken while mass media is the egg. I'm not really sure if guys are wearing beaters with their pants pulled down low because they saw some rapper doing it, or because the rapper's PR people have told him to wear this so that his fans will associate. Either way, they both feed off of each other.

I am not much of a summer person. I prefer the autumn and winter. I especially like walking around the city on cold days to watch all of the bundled up people zip from one heated building to another. This is a perfect opportunity to see beauty. The people that walk by are all on a mission...it is much easier to see who they really are. When the summer comes, they will shed the coats, hats, and boots for outfits which will hopefully turn heads on the sidewalk.

By no means am I try to preach abstinence or some sort of deranged Holden Caulfield philosophy. It just bothers me to see how many people whore themselves out for profit and self gain...it is even worse that our society encourages this behavior. (note: I am only referring to people who try to fit into an established mold in hopes of feeling like the belong to something. Revealing outfits can be pulled off in a classy manner.). It seems like the more insecure a person is, the more they feel the need to use their charms to make it. If not, we call them ugly.

I wish that every person on this planet could be comfortable with themselves. This may seem like some sort of pretentious opinion, but I think we can all agree that when sex is being used to sell hamburgers, and toy manufacturers are producing "fun lower back tattoos" for small girls, things have gotten a little out of hand. I guess what I'm trying to say is that beauty lies in truth. Beauty can be beauty, and sex can be sex. the two can cross paths, but let's not allow them to be merged into one idea.


  1. Then there's always the money factor. The bartender knows for a fact that she will get tipped more if she shows more skin. While this is partially the media's fault, it is also our male instinct to overtip scantily clad women.

    Anyway, this is why muslims require their women to cover up in public. We gots too much respect for our wives/sisters/girl friends to see them serving whiskey on ice w/tits. But that's another story altogether...

  2. Hey, I've always been a fan of turtle necks. :p
