Sunday, June 20, 2010


Recently, an acquaintance and fellow parishioner at my church passed away. While the initial shock of his unexpected death startled me, I found that its effect was lingering in my daily life. In the past, I have had to deal with the deaths of close friends and family. When a family member or a friend dies, a void is created within a person. Suddenly, someone who you have shared a great deal of your life with, will no longer be able to be with you on your life journey. This is a terrible feeling that many people, myself included, can never really come to terms with.

The recent passing of this acquaintance is not the same. While I knew him, and would speak with him from time to time, I knew relatively little about his personal life. From the little time I did interact with him, I could see that he was a good human being. He always had a smile on his face, and always had something positive to say. I think the part that really troubles me in an instance like this is that I have to deal with the fact, that I never got to know him, and that I will never have an opportunity to know him further down the road. Often times we get so caught up in our lives that we neglect to realize that everything in this world is temporary and that as much as we will die, so will everyone and everything else. With the chaos on the highways, disease, and the crime and violence in this world, we do not have the time to put off getting to know people...unless we can live with them being eternal strangers.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This reminds me of a particular friend that I used to hang out with in 8th grade. Back then, I went to his house often, played video games, swam, even ate my first pork roll because of him. Through the latter part of High School and throughout college I didn't see him much and so I thought to myself "Well next time I see him we'll have an epic reunion." I then come to find out that has recently passed away in a car accident.

    My kneejerk reaction was to start regretting, but after much contemplation it is only productive to use events of our lives to change the future. I won't be able to get him back, but I will try my very best not to make this mistake again.
